Bare Minerals


So for my birthday my sisters give me money for makeup as I was torn between mac vs bare minerals.... Zara was very bare minerals & Laura mac. I was so sick of thick foundation which left my skin looking dull and feeling heavy that I decided to see how "bare" BM was!!

I went and got my makeup done (BM) to try before I bought and wow I absolutely loved it. The lady in Debenhams spent ages making sure the foundation was a perfect match to my skin tone!

 I bought the full starter kit which included foundation, bronzer, mineral veil, primer and three brushes for £50 (bargain-worth so much more separately) and honestly I would never ever look back, it looks and feels like I don't have any makeup on and lasts all day!!! I have now had this same starter kit since March and have still got another four months if use to go before it's totally gone!

I use it on night out but I "build up" the foundation and bronzer to add more of a night time glamour feel to it.

Since using my face is much less greasy therefore 
I don't get spots (Yey!) my skin just feels in such better condition too!!

I would recommend bare minerals 100%! Great value for money, flawless looking skin, just perfect! I would never look back!

Stay beautiful ladies 😘.

Jess xoxo

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